Yearly Catch Up - 2019 Edition

Throughout the year, I wasn’t able to watch all of the movies I initially intended to (I had to cut down my watchlist to less than 100). Either due to work, personal reasons, or simply because the theaters didn’t provide decent sessions (it’s very difficult to watch the original version of an animated flick), I had to skip some films I was really looking forward to.

Besides that, there are a few movies coming out on these last two weeks of 2019 that I won’t have time to write a full review, so I’ll just insert them here as well. Go through all of them because there are a few Top10 contenders and A+ scores in here.

With that said, this article contains spoiler-free mini-reviews of The Two Popes, Honey Boy, The Report, The Nightingale, Ford v Ferrari (aka Le Mans ‘66), and The Irishman, The Farewell, The Good Liar, Jojo Rabbit, and Uncut Gems.

PS: if you’re on mobile, please turn your phone into landscape (horizontal) mode, so you can read my thoughts on each movie.