The Pod Generation - Review | Sundance 2023


Directed by: Sophie Barthes

Written by: Sophie Barthes

Starring: Emilia Clarke, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Rosalie Craig, Vinette Robinson. Jean-Marc Barr

Runtime: 109 min

Synopsis: A New York couple, Rachel (Emilia Clarke) and Alvy (Chiwetel Ejiofor) live in a not-so-distant future where technology provides ever-more convenient living. A rising tech company executive, Rachel lands a coveted spot at the Womb Center, which offers couples a convenient (and shareable) maternity by way of detachable artificial wombs, or pods. But Alvy, a botanist with an affection for nature, prefers a natural pregnancy. And yet, as Rachel’s AI therapist puts it, why is that “natural”? So begins the tech-paved path to parenthood.

Editor's Note: Original review was written for InSession Film. Full article can be found below.


The Pod Generation features remarkable world-building and futuristic production design, but despite sharing thought-provoking yet repetitive, superficial messages about human evolution and advanced technology, it lacks a stronger emotional impact. Emilia Clarke and Chiwetel Ejiofor are VERY good, though.

Rating: C+

| A+ : 9.3-10 | A: 8.7-9.2 | A- : 8.0-8.6 | B+ : 7.3-7.9 | B: 6.7-7.2 | B- : 6.0-6.6 || C+ : 5.3-5.9 | C: 4.7-5.2 | C- : 4.0-4.6 | D+ : 3.3-3.9 | D: 2.7-3.2 | D- : 2.0-2.6 | F: 0-1.9 |