The Accidental Getaway Driver - Review | Sundance 2023


Directed by: Sing J. Lee, Christopher Chen

Written by: Sing J. Lee, Christopher Chen

Starring: HiệP TrầN Nghĩa, Dustin Nguyen, Dali Benssalah, Phi Vũ, Gabrielle Chan

Runtime: 117 min

Synopsis: During a routine pickup, an elderly Vietnamese cab driver is taken hostage at gunpoint by three recently escaped Orange County convicts.


Editor's Note: Original review was written for InSession Film. Full article can be found below.


The Accidental Getaway Driver overstays its welcome, but Sing J. Lee brilliantly directs an emotionally bittersweet, compassionate story about the human need for deep connections. A grounded crime thriller turned into a compelling father-son drama that starts and ends strong.

Rating: B-

| A+ : 9.3-10 | A: 8.7-9.2 | A- : 8.0-8.6 | B+ : 7.3-7.9 | B: 6.7-7.2 | B- : 6.0-6.6 || C+ : 5.3-5.9 | C: 4.7-5.2 | C- : 4.0-4.6 | D+ : 3.3-3.9 | D: 2.7-3.2 | D- : 2.0-2.6 | F: 0-1.9 |