Mini-Reviews - 2020 Edition

Mini-Reviews - 2020 Edition

As we know, 2020 has been a horrible year everywhere for everyone and everything, including the beloved art of filmmaking. Countless delays, complete removals of the year’s schedule, and a total stop in filming production. It couldn’t be any worse for cinema. Movie theaters are struggling to survive, blockbusters are gradually moving to home viewing… 2020 is the year everyone hoped to never live through.

Obviously, everyone’s lives and jobs are being affected, but even though the number of films released this year is inevitably shorter than in previous ones, time is still hard to find if someone wants to watch every single film like me. Therefore, this article will contain concise opinions on some films I can’t afford writing a full review right now.

This article will be updated each time I add a new entry, as well as its date of publication, so these mini-reviews can be seen by every reader of mine.

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