Nanny - SPOILER-FREE Review | Sundance 2022


© Sundance Institute

Directed by: Nikyatu Jusu

Written by: Nikyatu Jusu

Starring: Anna Diop, Michelle Monaghan, Sinqua Walls, Morgan Spector, Rose Decker, Leslie Uggams

Runtime: 97 min

Synopsis: Aisha (Anna Diop), an undocumented Senegalese immigrant, lands a job as a nanny of a wealthy Manhattan couple. While she easily wins the affection of their young daughter Rose (Rose Decker), she becomes a pawn in the couple’s facade of a marriage. The mother is as controlling as the dad is disillusioned and woke. Haunted by the absence of the young son she left behind in Senegal, Aisha hopes her new job will afford her the chance to bring him to the U.S. and share in the life she is piecing together. But as his arrival approaches, a supernatural presence begins to invade both her dreams and her reality.


Editor's Note: Original review was written for Filmhounds Magazine. Full article can be found below.


Nanny boasts an intriguing story about maternal instincts that will also touch the hearts of many immigrants. Anna Diop probably delivers her career-best performance, commanding the screen in an almost mesmerizing manner. The enclosed location is gorgeously handled by Rina Yang's remarkable cinematography, but the admittedly significant supernatural elements become too repetitive and too heavy throughout the runtime. The ending saves an impactful yet underwhelming revelation that warrants the eerie atmosphere, but the inevitable pacing issues may leave the audience too tired by that point. Still, Nikyatu Jusu shows tremendous skill and braveness by tackling one of the most demanding filmmaking tasks while carrying a unique voice. One to look out for.

Rating: C+

| A+ : 9.3-10 | A: 8.7-9.2 | A- : 8.0-8.6 | B+ : 7.3-7.9 | B: 6.7-7.2 | B- : 6.0-6.6 || C+ : 5.3-5.9 | C: 4.7-5.2 | C- : 4.0-4.6 | D+ : 3.3-3.9 | D: 2.7-3.2 | D- : 2.0-2.6 | F: 0-1.9 |